Solomon Vs Socrates Research Paper

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1. Both Solomon and Socrates were considered to be the smartest man I the world at their time. According to the Hebrew bible Solomon was the smartest and according to the oracle of Delphi Socrates was the wisest man alive. Solomon and Socrates are very similar; both of their names begin with the letter “S”. They were both said to be the wisest or smartest man ever by a god; God for Solomon and Apollo for Socrates. Socrates believed that he was the smartest man because he knew that he knew nothing and that made him the smartest by default. Solomon thought that the world was useless and that nothing could eve r be done to change that because every thing just goes in a cycle and it cannot be stopped so there is no point in trying. Solomon was the king of Israel. Solomon asked God for the ability to rule over his people in a wise way so God gave him wisdom. Solomon used his wisdom to try to help the people that he ruled over. In the song of Solomon you can see that…show more content…
He did not ask for wisdom like Solomon instead the Oracle of Delphi announced that he was the wisest man alive. Socrates spent his time trying to find some one that was smarter than him because he was unwilling to except the fact that he was the wisest man alive. Socrates believed in questioning everything and that humans know nothing. He was also willing to stand up for the things that he did and died for them in the end. Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the minds of the youth and disrespecting the gods. He was found guilty of his crimes and was forced to drink hemlock; which is a poison. Even after Socrates was sentenced to death he still continued to believe that he did not know anything. “ The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways- I to die and you to live. Which is better only god knows.” (Apology, 40) Even in the moment that he knew he was going to die he still claimed that he knew nothing and that only God could know what was to

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