Controversy On Unfair Wages

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Niamaka Pope Ann Goud Freshman Seminar September 28, 2015 Unfair Wages While attending school women are constantly compared to men. Women are more likely to graduate college, but still earn less than men. Women to this day earn 78 percent of what men make. Past gaps in education and experience appear to be contributing to a persistent pay gap between the sexes. It is heartbreaking to know that no matter how educated I may become, some jobs will not allow me to get paid the same wages as men. Are you comfortable with living in a nation where you, your sister, or your daughter will be paid based off of gender not education or experience? Should men receive a higher wage than their female counterparts? Today, I will inform you of the controversial…show more content…
The current rate at which the pay gap decreases suggests that it will not close for another century. Women in every state experience the pay gap, but some states are worse than others. The best place in the United States for pay equity is Washington, D.C., where women were paid 91 percent of what men were paid in 2013. At the other end of the spectrum is Louisiana, the worst state in the country for pay equity, where women were paid just 66 percent of what men were paid. The pay gap is worse for women of color. The gender pay gap affects all women, but for women of color the pay shortfall is worse. Asian American women’s salaries show the smallest gender pay gap, at 90 percent of white men’s earnings. Hispanic women’s salaries show the largest gap, at 54 percent of white men’s earnings. White men are used as a benchmark because they make up the largest demographic group in the labor force. Women face a pay gap in nearly every occupation. From elementary and middle school teachers to computer programmers, women are paid less than men in female-dominated, gender-balanced, and male-dominated…show more content…
Make sure that the president that you are voting for believes the wage gap is wrong and supports legislation to secure equal pay between genders. Also look at the candidates past to see if they have always fought to end discrimination and wants each American citizen to have the wages they deserve. Women are not paid less because they “choose lower-paying jobs, work more part time jobs, or have more caregiving responsibilities”. Although women are increasingly becoming more educated and make up a larger portion of the country's workforce, they consistently earn less than men, even when they have similar levels of education. Women’s college going has surpassed men’s in recent decades and has continued to increase. Women have increasingly entered previously male dominated occupations. There are a ton of women in a Chief Executive officer position (CEOs) now running major companies. To further stop the wage gap there are multiple ways you can stand up for yourself you can, tell congress to move on equal pay, negotiate your salary, find the laws that protect your rights, and go on social media to inform others. Are you willing to stand up for what you believe in? Are you ready to live in a nation where women and men are finally equal? Are you ready for a greater America? Change starts with
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