Pros And Cons Of The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) In 1991 and 1992, the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico sought an agreement that would reduce, and ultimately remove, all barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and production between the three countries. This regional economic integration agreement would go into effect and became law on January 1, 1994 and became known as the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA for short (Hill, 2013). The main components of the NAFTA agreement included the elimination of tariffs by 2004, the removal of most barriers on the cross-border flow of services, protection of intellectual property rights, the removal of most restrictions on foreign direct investments among the three member countries, submission to scientific based national environmental…show more content…
In the United States in particular, it is so easy to mix American politics and Christian values. NAFTA has both positively and negatively impacted other countries but NAFTA, at its very core, was meant to help neighbors, especially Mexico. Jesus commanded His followers to love their neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31 ESV). Christians can’t limit neighbors to just other countrymen. Though NAFTA is not perfect, it has shown to benefit Mexico’s growth and development. At the same time because of the nature of the trade agreement, it also easy to fall into the trap of it being all about money. Christians have to look past the money benefits and ask does this help grow people. NAFTA has made many companies rich but has it helped people to grow. Some may say yes, while others no. The biggest advantage for Christians is the ease of access to the other countries. Whether it is missions or outreaches, Christians can impact the other communities in the other countries easier, with the ease of

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