Consequences Of Fear In V For Vendetta

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To live in a society where the right to freedom, life, and personal security is taken away from you and is replaced by fear there are consequences for the citizens. being in a society where you can be killed if you wear a mask of a vigilante can kill you. in V for Vendetta, the little girl was killed because she wore the mask and without hesitation, a man came and killed her. there are consequences for violating the laws in the society of v for vendetta. the government had also faced consequences in the end where they went too far by making it okay for someone to kill a child. a child is the most innocent thing in the world in whatever society you live in a child is the most innocent thing you can find because they are born into the society and do not know what is right and what is wrong yet, they go by instinct…show more content…
perhaps the people were okay before with all the control the government had over them, by killing people that broke the rules. but they went too far when they didn't give a fair chance to the little girl who wore the mask of v. consequences for violating article three is that fear is born in the people and when people feel fear they are more vulnerable than ever which than can lead to that the government has an easier way to affect you and make you believe in whatever they want you to believe. they can make you lose your own identity by manipulating you into thinking that the way they are controlling your life is for your own sake. because when you are scared the only thing you want is to feel safe again. when that personal security is taken away from you the only thing you want is to get it back, and once you get it back there will be consequences. the government takes your right to personal security away from you by showing the consequences of not following the

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