Frank Hurley Journey

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The consequences experienced by individuals through the act of discovering vary accordingly to the bounds of each of our physical processes that act to establish the foundation to discover. These consequences from the ideas and acts of discovery are influenced through the previous experiences of the individuals, that highlight changing perceptions of reality that dive past the physical and into the emotional dimensions. Simon Nasht’s 2004 documentary “Frank Hurley: The man who made history” captures the impressions from individuals and society with director Nasht’s involvement in the depiction of the acts of Frank Hurley within his life mainly his experiences in both the Mawson expedition to Antarctica and Papau New Guinea and the varying impressions.…show more content…
Nasht’s depiction of Hurley through his journey to Papau New Guinea notions this development or rather hindering of social relations that reflects through his actions upon the people of Papau New Guinea based upon their location and their culture. By Spect’s VO exclaiming through Hurley’s diaries “I am on my own here, I am out to make my name. The success is all in my hands.” Hurley’s hubristic nature provides this sedimentary purpose of his discovery to capture this vast uncivilised world not all for interest, but also for monetary gain. We as the audience are forced into a journey through actuality being dissolved into the same frames as in Hurley’s journey. We cross from our context into his world and undergo a similar physical process of discovery, by Nasht’s manipulation once again. Frank Hurley Within a decade of his work with zoologist Alan McCulloch and their unscrupulous cultural intervention, the Papuan tribes had largely lost their ancestral culture and spiritual basis. Hurley paved the way for Christian missionaries who soon forbade the ceremonies of ancestral life. Hurley’s journey continues to provide its effect through the desolation of the Papuan tribes. The indirect interview of the village spokesman Seuna Malaki exclaimed “These days we cannot find those things . . . Our trust and our pride, our identity”. Malaki explains Hurley’s documentary from New Guinea led to the consequence of his discovery presented here, ironically, as a means of paradoxical repression and destruction. In as much as the villages of New Guinea were opened up to the outside world they were also vulnerable to their own disintegration. Hurley’s discoveries paradoxically promoted Papuan culture internationally, which in turn destroyed this same culture at its geographical base within ten years but ironically

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