Conflict Of Interest

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Rahim’s organisational conflict model (2015) classifies organisational conflict as intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup. This brief discourse will touch on the latter categories, however it is interesting to note that real conflict can come about as a result of the conflict that exists within an individual – their psyche being discordant and impacting on the team in an unfortunate manner that creates antaginism and causes dissention. According to Galtung (2006), a conflict of interest is where parties are persuing incompatible goals. This will be the adopted definition for our discussion. It might be worth noting that, in the broader context of any or all institutions the phrase ‘conflict of interest’ is equally associated…show more content…
The key stakeholders in an educational set-up are the students. The other stakeholders are the staff who are involved in the running of the school – usually divided into the teaching and non-teaching staff, and also the parent body and the members of the Ministry whose job it is to see that the educational institution is following the law and or prescribed policy in terms of the way the institution is being run. Within the staff, conflict often arises between those in management positions and those who are not. Often the latter resort to their membership of a Union organisation to sort out their differences with management, whether legitimate or not. Conflict can arise between any or all of these parties. It was Burton in the 1970s who formulated the BHN (Basic Human Needs) (Avruch & Mitchell, 2013) which has identified that if certain rights are not given to humans then conflict will…show more content…
In the words of Weinstein & Morton (2015) ‘the outcome of a team with collaborative intelligence is superior to the sum of its individual members’ attributes. In addition to improved results and efficiency, collaboration adds to the enjoyment of work by offering a shared sense of accomplishment. The teamwork process also enhances individuals’ self-awareness, career satisfaction, and relations with others. Partners who collaborate create a more harmonious environment.’ If one finds oneself as a leader in a situation where members of the team are on different sides of an argument, then the best way to solve the differences is to bring the two sides together to work as one team. This does however need leadership, not necessarily of the leader per se, but rather a member of the team who displays the ability to be impartial, and who may exhibit more emotional intelligence than most – ie. able to disentangle themselves from the members’ emotional talk and discriminate between different feelings expressed in order to be able to guide the thinking of the group towards some sort of common understanding and conclusion acceptable to all parties. I see no disadvantages of this method of resolving a

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