Reddam House Wetlands Literature Review

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Introduction Wetlands vary in size and location but all have a defining factor of waterlogged soils or soils covered in shallow layers of water. Marshes, vleis, swamps, bogs and sponges are examples of wetlands. The task presented was to determine the current ecological status of the Reddam House wetland. This was determined by investigating the current flora of the wetland and by taking a water sample and sending it for testing. The test was to show what the types of algae and protozoa in the sample were and to determine the pH, orthophosphates concentration, conductivity level, concentrations of nitrogen as ammonia and nitrate as well as determining the amount of indicator organisms such as E. coli. Literature Review According to…show more content…
Reddam House’s wetland is a fresh water wetland and is seasonal as the river that flows through it dries out during the winter months. The wetland is one of nature’s tools to maintain and correct the quality of the water by filtering and trapping the waste. However with the increase in the world’s water pollution many wetlands become overrun with harmful bacteria and dissolved ions which prevent the wetlands from correctly filtering the water. The ecological status of a wetland Methods • Categorising of Flora o In May the current flora in the wetland is documented and photographed. o Documented flora is then identified as native wetland plants. • Water Testing o In May a 1.5L sample of the water found in Reddam House’s wetland is collected. o This sample is then sent to Erwat Laboratories for testing.  The water’s pH level, conductivity will be tested for as well as the amount of orthophosphates, E.Coli organisms and levels of nitrate and ammonia in the sample. Results 1. Water Test Results For a more detailed description of each variable that is listed below please refer to Appendix A. pH level: o The pH was 7.2 • This is a neutral pH which is very good to support flora and fauna living within the wetland. The abundance of micro-organisms in the water suggests that the pH is suitable to support the current life in the…show more content…
The pH between the two wetlands differ by 0.7 but both still fall within the neutral range. Reddam House’s low conductivity level shows that we have less dissolved ions in our water compared to Natalspruit Wetlands which is a good thing as if the levels become too high the water becomes unsafe to consume and may kill the local vegetation. 3. Algae and Protozoan Species found in Water Reddam House’s Wetland is home to a highly diverse amount of algae and protozoa. According to the water test results the micro-population appeared healthy as is expected for wetland environments. As per Erwat Microscopic Analysis Report: Figure 1 shows some of the algae species observed in the sample. The sample displayed a diverse algae population. Ochna Pulchra, better known as its Afrikaans name, lekkerbreek. Grows in open woodland and bush. Phragmites, the common reed, is a large perennial grass found in wetlands throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. Willow trees are not native wetland plants thus alien species but there largely spread roots planted in the soil help fight against

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