Domino's Pizza Research Paper

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IT/IS TO SUPPORT BUSINESS STRATEGIES TO BECOME AN ADAPTIVE AND INNOVATIVE ORGANIZATION MUHAMMED NAZREEN BIN MOHAMED (CVB130724241) 302KM/BUSINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1.0 INTRODUCTION Information system according to information system is a combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitated planning, control, coordination and decision making in an organization. According to Margaret Rouse, definition of IT (information technology) is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms (business data, voice conversations, still images, motion pictures, multimedia presentations, and other forms,…show more content…
From the beginning, they have been dedicated to the best of service, quality products and delivery excellence. Each day, more than 1 million customers enjoy hot, delicious Domino’s Pizza products on every inhabited continent on Earth, because they operate over 11,000 stores in more than 70 countries; each and every store dedicated to they to focus of providing great-tasting pizza – whether it be delivered directly to customer’s door or available for carryout. They pioneered the pizza delivery business back in 1960, and Domino’s total system sells more than 400 million pizzas worldwide every…show more content…
Two ways Starbucks used CRM, first is for social media and seconds one is for Starbucks membership Card. 3.2.5 The Clover® Brewing System. The Clover® brewing system uses innovative Vacuum-Press™ technology to create your cup right in front of you. You watch as a stainless steel filter lowers into the brew chamber. Hot water is added at a precise temperature to brew your coffee for an ideal length of time. The Clover® brewing system controls brew time and temperature digitally, as even small changes here can dramatically affect the outcome you taste in the cup. A thermal blanket surrounds the brew chamber to keep water within 1 degree Fahrenheit of the ideal temperature. After the coffee brews, it is pulled through a 70-micron filter. The resulting grounds are pushed out of the top of the machine. The coffee itself flows into your cup – hot, aromatic and amazingly flavorful. We’re pretty sure it will be the best cup of coffee you’ve ever

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