Compare And Contrast The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fditzergerald is a fiction book that took place in the 1920’s. The decade in which people partied and broke certain laws like there was no tomorrow. I will be comparing and contrasting how the book that F. Scott Fitzergerald wrote to the movie that came out in 2013. The themes in both the book and the movie did in fact stay the same. Those would be the mass differences between the upper class and lower, the difference between old money and new. As well as the conflicting love between multiple characters. The setting in both the movie and the book did stay the same which took place right outside of New York. In the book though Fitzgerald stressed how the valley of ashes was a place where nothing was where no wealth took place. But in the movie it was actually the complete opposite. As Nick is driving past it with tom you see men hammering a large structure. Which will end up being a building.…show more content…
One of the major differences in the movie and the book is at the beginning of the movie you learn who Nick Carraway is and what his role is in the story. But you also learn that he is the one who will be narrating the entire film. In the book we don’t actually know who is narrating it. In the film Nick Carraway is writing his book from a sanitarium due to over excessive use of alcohol and drugs. But in the book it never mentions that he is in a sanitarium while he is writing the story from his point of view. The point of view for this novel is written in both first and third point of
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