Communism: Social, Political And Social Relations In Society

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Communism: Communism is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, money less and stateless social structure upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order. The history of communism dates back to the hunter-gather society. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their concept of Primitive communism asserted that hunter-gatherer societies were traditionally based on egalitarian social relations and common ownership. In a primitive communist society, all able bodied persons would have engaged in obtaining food, and everyone would share in what was produced by hunting and gathering. There would be no private property other than articles of clothing and similar personal items, because primitive society produced no surplus; what was produced was quickly consumed. Domestication of animals and plants…show more content…
The bourgeoisie are unique in that they cannot continue to exist without revolutionizing the instruments of production. This implies revolutionizing the relations of production, and with it, all of the relations in society. Thus, the unique uncertainties and disturbances of the modern age have forced Man to face his real condition in life, and his true relations with others. Because the bourgeoisie needs a constantly expanding market, it settles and establishes connections all over the globe. Production and consumption have taken on a cosmopolitan character in every country. This is true both for materials and for intellectual production, as national sovereignty and isolationism becomes less and less possible to sustain. The bourgeoisie draws even the most “barbaric” nations into “civilization” and compels all nations to adopt its mode of production. All become dependent on the bourgeoisie. It has also increased political

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