Bolshevik Revolution Changes

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The Bolshevik Revolution led to many major changes within the Soviet Union, and the first two decades of Communist government after the revolution changed family structure within the Soviet Union significantly, largely as a result of Bolshevik ideals relating to the role of the family, the individual, and the state. Most of these drastic changes made to family structure during this period were related to women and their rights as well as their role within the family, the workplace, and the state. The role of women in Soviet Russia has changed drastically over the course of history in Soviet Russia, and the Bolshevik Revolution was a major turning point. Before the Revolution, Russia was a very conservative and unprogressive country which still maintained serfdom and the rule of nobility, while…show more content…
The revolution led to new expectations for a society built upon socialist principles, sparking discussions about sexual relations, child rearing, the role of women, and the nature of the family in relation to socialism, as well as the concept that the institution of the family would soon dissolve, in favour of a state-run society based upon principles of equality. The destruction of the tsarist/capitalist rule and the soviets’ seizure of power in October 1917 led to a major effort to remake society according to Bolshevik ideals, as land was nationalised and industry collectivised, which resulted in enormous gains for working women. The Bolsheviks recognised that the liberation of women could not be isolated from the liberation of the working class as a whole, and due to this, many of the laws which they implemented were in favour of women’s
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