Communal Culture

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Effect of Communal Culture on Positive Organisational Behaviour Corporations/ Establishments that are successful in building and encouraging positive organisational behaviours are profiled. An effective culture should be adjacent to the employee beliefs and be in harmony with the environment in which the organization operates. An organization that is able to maintain a positive culture has many benefits. For instance, Communal culture is a form of positive organisational or corporate culture. It is flexible to external conditions and it remains consistent, treating all employees equally evenly. (Ahmed et al., 1999).When the members are comfortable with the prevailing culture, work environments tend to be stress –free. Moreover, It makes the…show more content…
The solidarity level here ensures work is accomplished effectively and efficiently because the people are committed, as an atmosphere of 'common stake' in the organisation’s development exists. The working conditions are optimum which aids in better efficiency in operations as human elements interfere to a minimum degree (Bentum and Stone 2005).This results in increased interaction among the employees which activates learning and continuous improvement because information flows throughout the organization. In addition, this type of culture helps to attract and retain top employees (Greger, 1999). A positive organisational behaviour and culture are one among the top determinants which reduce employee turnover rates. (Sadri, Lees 2001). Factors such as confidence, hope, optimism, well-being, emotional intelligence is measurable components of positive organisational behaviour (Luthans, 2002).These are attributes found in employees when the culture prevalent in an organisation is also sociable. The focus of work-life benefits on employee well-being has a great emphasis on positive organisational…show more content…
The ‘broaden and build’ theory (Fredrickson’s 1998, 2001) explains that positive emotions as a way to strengthen positive organisational behaviour. Positive emotions when identified and catered to, enable the workers to become more proactive. The institution which is being analysed in this study has applied this theory by providing benefit package to its employees in the form of housing allowances, relocation allowances etc., which sends out the message to the employees that they are valued and cared for not just as a worker, but more as a person. This sociability component displayed here between the worker and management encourages pro-activeness and positive behaviours in the workplace (Muse & Harris
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