Color Photography: The History And Evolution Of Photography

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The Greek definition of the word photography is as follows, “painting with light”. Colour photography in started off with three very fundamental colours, red, blue and green. Over the years it has evolved since its discovery. Photography has become one of the most complex yet simple practices one could undertake. Photography can simply be defined as manipulating light to reach an aesthetically pleasing outcome in ones’ photograph. The first photograph was taken between the years 1926 and 1927, where it was first shot in black and white. Colour photography had been introduced in 1861 which was the product of James clerk Maxwell and Thomas Sutton with the help of a few more individuals that play a role in the evolvement of photography. Through…show more content…
He visualised drawing the images exactly the same through means of tracing what he had seen by placing a piece of paper above a soft light which would make the subject more prominent creating silhouettes which then became easier to trace but these began to fade fast. Talbot then developed three main components of photography which was developing, fixing and printing. Talbot had realised that after every short exposure, there had been an image, through chemical processes; “the developer” the chemicals used as developing agents are hydroquinone, phenidone, and dimezone. The developing mix must have high acidity, so chemicals such as sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide are added. “Fixing” the most used chemical used in stop baths is acetic acid. The image may also be washed off with the water; however using this solution allows for a more precise cleans. The fixer "fixes" the image in place by removing the unexposed silver halides in the film, fixing chemicals consist of ammonium thiosulfate and sodium…show more content…
He was encouraged to persue this as a career and after a short period of time he had became fimilair with the daguerreotype process and this allowed him to experiment with photgraphy. Calotype photography was introduced in 1839 and had been another field that Sutton had explored. The process of coating a sheet of paper with silver chloride and exposing it to the sun in a camera obscura allowing the certain lit up areas to become darker in tone, creating a clear negative image which was referred to as calotype had intesrest Sutton and he had began a career from creating these negative

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