Cognitive Development

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The purpose of this paper is to use the habituation technique in young infants to evaluate one hypothesis derived from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. I will compare 5-months olds in a task that involves possible and impossible outcomes. Piaget’s theory specifies the cognitive competencies of children of this age. 1a. Known as the first stage of Piaget’s theory, the sensorimotor stage is the stage in which children from birth to approximately two years of age, experience the most change and growth because of their developmental desire to make sense of their surroundings, the world. The child manages to make sense of the world surrounding them because of the natural senses that they possess such as, perception by means of their senses, attempting to successfully peform motor activeies, behaving by means of motor…show more content…
During this primary stage in the child’s mental development, the child begins to develop cognitive skills, their thought process begins to develop, allowing children to react to their surroudings including noise, smells, and emotions. 1b. Object permaence, one of the main accomplishments for a child’s development during the sensorimotor stage; where a child is able to realize hat although an object is no longer in their sight, the object still continues to exhbit existence. This realization begins to develop this awareness by 8 months of age; the period in their development when they exhibit memory for objects that they are not able to see, but their true ability to form mental representations and fully understand object permanence takes place between the 18th month and 24th month of life. During Piaget experiments, if a child showed an absence of object permanence, Piaget opinion regarding the child was that the child lack an understanding of object permanence; lack the understanding that an object was still in existence although it was not in sight. 1c. Stranger anxiety is the inability for the child to meet people other than
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