Civil Rights Movement In The 1960's

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The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s In the 1960’s, The Civil Rights Movement was a non- violent protest movement against racial segregation and discrimination. Based predominantly in the South, African American men and women fought to achieve, basic equal rights, in areas such as employment, schooling and the use of public facilities. It also sought, to put an end to social injustice and discrimination. Trying times were always on the rise in those days. Especially in the South, having being known for it’s strict racially inclined ways. Despite the many efforts in favor of change, like Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. who fought peacefully for social equality. The Civil Rights Movement shift for equality would ultimately come with a lot of hardships, setbacks and progression. In April of 1963, during the height of the civil rights movement. Reverend Dr Martin…show more content…
Through marches and non violent protest. They were able to be heard, and prevail when then President Lyndon B. Johnson introduce the Civil Rights Act , that would put an end to discrimination and segregation in school,work and many public facilities. President Lyndon B. Johnson sign into law The Civil Rights Act on July 2nd,1964. [ Cecil Stoughton, White House Press Office] . Although overcoming that obstacle was great, but many more would follow. According to, R. Shipp [Across the Rural South,Segregation as Usual], “Although the civil rights movement left its mark on the South, the changes were slow to develop.” The Jim Crow laws may have been removed but for some white americans found it hard to change. Black people were growing tired of being oppressed and given false hope of real change coming. The legality barriers may have been broken with the Civil Rights Bill, but economically inequalities still existed, according to [Leon F.

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