Atomic Bomb Mistake

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People are known to be very curious and intelligent individuals. With the new developments every year, people are becoming more involved with new research and discoveries. The thirst for knowledge has become very strong for scientists especially. Although having knowledge can be a good thing it is also a very powerful weapon. It could be used for good or for evil, but most of the time people go too far and without intending to, uses their knowledge for evil. People are not known to be perfect and they make mistakes, but they learn from their mistakes so that they do not make the same fault they did the last time. But can people make the same mistake twice, after seeing the results of their first mistake? Are people really just Einstein’s monsters…show more content…
No one knew exactly what was going to happen. Everyone in the United States was celebrating with the dropping of the atomic bomb thinking that it was a ‘victory’, while on the other side in Japan; everyone was suffering with the catastrophe the atomic bomb has brought upon Japan. The first mistake the United States made was the Manhattan Project, where they worked on developing an atomic bomb. The United States is also the first nation to use atomic weaponry during wartime. The problem with the United States is that they solve everything with means of destruction. The reason why they began with the development of the atomic bomb was also to use it to end the war against Japan, but that did not turn out well. After the bombing of the Japanese city, Hiroshima, 90 percent of the city was wiped out and nearly 80,000 people were killed. People died due to the radiation that the atomic bomb emitted. On August 09, 1945 another atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city, Nagasaki. This destroyed 40 percent of Nagasaki. 40,000 of the population was nearly killed and many buildings such as schools and the hospitals were destroyed, which made care for the people of Japan extremely difficult. The bomb had both short and long term effects for the people of Japan. Survivors of the atomic bomb complained about neurotic symptoms - which included general fatigue, amnesia, and…show more content…
Compared to the atomic bomb, there was no limit on the yield of the hydrogen bomb. . J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and I.I. Rabi (all of whom worked on the Manhattan Project) all opposed the development of the hydrogen bomb. Both Fermi and Rabi worked on the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb. They knew the consequences of the weapon and they too knew that the creation of the hydrogen bomb would cause havoc in the world. These are scientists that have worked on the creation of the atomic bomb. They know the consequences and after effects of the atomic bomb. Fermi and Rabi stated “Since no limit exists to the destructiveness of this weapon, its existence and knowledge of its construction is a danger to humanity as a whole.” If scientists that have worked on the atomic bomb disagree on the development of the hydrogen bomb, there is a good reason to follow their advice. They know better than anyone else. The American people that were brainwashed by the government believed that the hydrogen bomb should be built but not to be used as a weapon. They believe that the United States should create the hydrogen bomb but not use it; instead they should look upon it as a
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