Songs In The Civil Rights Movement Essay

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Discuss the use of songs as a vehicle for change during the Civil Rights Movement. Throughout the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s, the only way for the masses to be educated was through print media and music, as TV was still a developing form of technology. Songwriters reflected the time they were living in by composing songs, which educated and acted as a vehicle for change, which for the 1960’s was social equality. Songs such as: Blowin’ in the Wind by Bob Dylan, A Change is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke and Mississippi Goddamn by Nina Simone were not only outlets for the artist’s emotions, they were amplified voices for their people. The people saw these songs as a way to better express themselves during the Civil Rights Movement, because the songs were speaking to them and were fuelled by the emotions that the both black and white communities were feeling that the time. The songs that were originally written by an artist for an artist to sing, were…show more content…
From the generalised Blowin in the Wind, subtly questioning the need for change in the 1960’s; to the more specific A Change is Going to Come, detailing why change needed to come in the 1960’s; to the brutally honest and taboo Mississippi Goddamn, that abruptly concluded that it was time to put an end to discrimination in the 1960’s. Songs were just about delicate ornamentations in the melody, they were a form of verbal propaganda, designed to bring about change within society. Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind was a rhetorical, ambivalent and inspirational driving force for change during the Civil Rights movement. However it was interpreted, it carried the same message and the purpose to question the need for peace and social equality, which was a powerful thing coming from a white writer, during the 1960’s. In the opening line of Blowin’ in the Wind, Dylan

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