Citizen Kane Analysis

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1941 a year to remember because of the one film that was released and labelled the greatest film ever made. Citizen Kane. A product of Orson Welles, he directed, produced and acted throughout the movie. Welles in fact played the main character and who the story was based on Charles Foster Kane. Jedediah leland is played by Joseph cotton, and the reporter (Thompson) was played by William Alland. The film also stars Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane and Ray Collins. The film was up for nine different categories in the Academy Awards, this for being Welles’ first film was extremely magnificent. The movie took the prize for best writing (original screenplay.) RKO took a huge gamble by bringing in Orson Welles and Herman Mankiewicz, from New York.…show more content…
In citizen Kane it started with the main character’s (Kane) death, and the word that he whispered, then the movie proceeded to carry on and begin to tell this mans story through he eyes of his peers so it was almost his biography. But, for this to work effectively their must be a main part of the story in the beginning, because that after is what people want to find out about in this case it was the word “rosebud” and what this meant to the main character. This gives us a cliffhanger but from the beginning and not the leaving it at the end, so this then keeps the audience intrigued as they want to find out what this word means or what this word is to the film. I think that wells is smart for doing this because it gave the audience something to think about throughout the whole film and keep them entertained by…show more content…
The reporter was portrayed in a strange manner. The reporter is played by William Alland, throughout the film the reporter remains in the dark or the shadows. To keep him this way they had to use many different lighting techniques to explain and tell the story though the effects, throughout the film they use many effects such as cinematography, this is when they take away depth perception, and the layers throughout the scene are very much focused. Also the effects they used helped show different characters personality e.g. the reporter, he was always in the shadows so it portrayed his personality as a dark and very secretive type person, this is tough to do with just effects, but I believe that this is why Citizen Kane is one of the “greatest movies of all time” because it showed a story alone with just its effects. The movie was a masterpiece that has taken the test of time and crushed it, Citizen kane is a movie which I greatly recommend. Not only from the great acting to the story line but the mystery behind the movie was compelling. The circular plot is used to draw us in and keep us grasped throughout. Citizen Kane changed the film industry, because of the way it was set up and the mystery behind it all meant that everybody
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