Othello ': A Brief Analysis Of Orson Welles' Life

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Everyone has his or her own experiences, ideas, and desires. One’s experience affects one’s personal presentation and desires. Orson Welles was altered by his experiences, environment, and people around him. Analyzing the films Welles created, knowing his experience, and noticing the way he conveyed a message, demonstrates that he was a result of both his personal experiences and the events going on in the world during his lifetime. First, Orson Welles’ early life influenced multiple facets of his career. His early years centered on family.. Welles’ parents introduced him to rich variety in life. His father, Richard Welles, worked as an inventor, and his mother, Beatrice Welles, was a musician. Welles’ mother taught him to play the piano…show more content…
“Welles made it over the course of three years, earning money as an actor and channeling his pay into another few days of shooting” ("Orson Welles’s Shattering “Othello”) Welles lacked resources early in his career and had already spent much money on education. In order to pay his “Othello” actors, he had to engage in other acting jobs. Being the director, the star, and acting in outside roles proved to be very difficult for Welles. One can infer many things from Welles’ explanation of the making of “Othello”. In a documentary called “Filming Othello”, Welles discusses the different challenges associated with its production.. Costuming problems, setting changes, and many other hurdles plagued Welles during filming and, as he explains in the documentary, demanded improvisation and malleability on Welles’ part. "There are too many regrets, there are too many things I wish I could have done over again. If it wasn't a memory, if it was a project for the future, talking about Othello would have been nothing but delight. After all, promises are more fun than explanations. In all my heart, I wish that I wasn't looking back on Othello, but looking forward to it. That Othello would be one hell of a picture." (FILMING OTHELLO). Welles ends his documentary with this line since it encompasses his juxtaposed burden and joy in filming it.…show more content…
O thou pernicious caitiff! How came you, Cassio, by that handkerchief That was my wife’s? CASSIO. I found it in my chamber, And he himself confessed but even now That there he dropped it for a special purpose Which wrought to his desire. OTHELLO O fool! fool! fool! Here, Othello creeps toward understanding of events by questioning Cassio. Realizing he was duped, Othello declares himself a fool, demonstrating his shock and newfound understanding. In Welles’ “Othello”, Othello never declares himself a fool. Alternatively, intense music and a spinning room convey Othello’s mood.. Welles’ filmmaking technique displays his character Othello’s anguish and stunning realization of his predicament. Othello’s” interpretation lies open to many different viewpoints. Director Orson Welles’ use of the film noir technique reflects the period of time in which he lived. In “Othello”, Welles education and experiences culminate to produce his mastery of visual effects, camera angles, and lighting. Creative expertise and motivation are solidified by Welles’ expression as an actor and an obvious culmination of a unique personal experience is shared with his audience in “Othello” by Orson

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