Citizen Kane Film Analysis

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Most of society’s entertainment (films, television, novels), involves different rules/methods that creators use to communicate a story. Sometimes, the storytelling differences appear obvious; unlike novels, films convey stories through visual means. On the other hand, some entertainment displays more similarities than differences, such as film and television due to their focus on visual storytelling. However, films and television display one major distinction that revolves around time/timing and editing. Usually, films last around two hours while television shows’ durations vary based on audience’s interest, which causes them to convey their stories in a different matter, especially through editing. While television and films contain other differences, time and editing seem the most apparent and interesting. With the films seen so far in this course,…show more content…
For the paper, it will serve the discussion to mention how flashbacks allow for different segments (or storylines) of one’s life to convey a person’s character. During the viewing of Citizen Kane, the audience receives information regarding Kane’s character through others’ recollection. Unlike a story based on a linear structure, a story that centers around flashbacks could reveal more about a character and different stages of their life. As seen in Citizen Kane, one of the first flashbacks shows Kane (Orson Welles) as a child playing in the snow as his parents sign him over to Mr. Thatcher (George Coulouris). Another set of flashbacks convey the storyline as Kane attempts to become the governor. While these flashbacks reveal different events/storylines that occurred during Kane’s life, the film shortens these events to fit them all in the same movie. If the interest focused on a single event, such as running for governor, that storyline could’ve been stretched to encompass a film usual

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