Dementia Case Study

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1.1 What is Dementia? Dementia is a disease where the brain is damaged by a sequence of disease such as Alzheimer’s Disease or a sequence of strokes the brain loses its capability to function correctly and causes severe damage to the brain(Harwood & McCulloch 2014).The loss of function to the brain and changes in the brain affect memory, the person’s mood and their behaviour and also their ability to communicate .There are five different types of dementia which are as follows Alzheimer’s disease which is the first most common type of Dementia, Vascular Dementia which is the second most common typed of Dementia, Mixed Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies and finally Front temporal Dementia. The type of Dementia that is going to be expressed about…show more content…
The types of Vascular Dementia vary depending on the extent and damage to the brain that has occurred. The categories of Vascular Dementia symptoms are mutual with one another but some symptoms may differ. Their symptoms develop in different ways and at different stages (Kurz 2001). The categories of Vascular Dementia are as follows: 1.4.1 Stoke Related Dementia-A stroke occurs when the blood source to the brain is unexpectedly cut off to the brain which means there is no supply of blood being passed to the brain which results in a consequence that there will be serve damage to the brain. Generally when strokes occurs a blood vessel in the brain becomes contracted and a blot clot occurs because the blood cannot pass through the brain because it has become contracted. The blood clot may have moulded in the brain or the heart and have been carried from the heart to the brain (Kurz…show more content…
The small blood vessels grow thick walls and become firm and warped resulting in the blood flow to be reduced. This disease results in nerves fibres becoming damaged so signals can’t be carried around the brain (Kurz 2001). 1.4.5 Mixed Dementia-People who develop mixed dementia it means they have developed a mixture between Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. At the slightest 10 per cent of people who have dementia are diagnosed with mixed dementia (Kurz 2001). 1.5 Symptoms of Vascular Dementia The most mutual types of Vascular Dementia symptoms in the early stages of Vascular Dementia are as follows; difficulties with planning and evaluation of problems, slower swiftness of consideration and difficulties with concentrating. The most occurring problems with patients of Vascular Dementia are loss of memory time, date etc., lack of communication skills and language as in speech will become less confident (Kurz 2001). Over a period of time a person which severe Vascular Dementia will develop serve decision making, reduced attention span, muddles thought and behaviour and emotion. Behaviour and emotion means the person will have serve mood changes and becoming emotional at times (Korczyn et al.

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