Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

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The best reading experiences occur when the reader feels an emotional connection the characters in the book. The readers feel what they're favorite characters read. The readers cry when the protagonist cries. Their favorite character's enemy is their enemy. One should not underestimate the power of intimacy with the reader. Charlotte Brontë sees the value in connecting with her audience. In her novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë purposefully makes an intimate connection with her readers by using diction and details that makes the novel seem as if it is a personal conversation with the reader. The first connection that Brontë makes with her reader comes before he or she even opens the book. The title itself immediately connects the reader…show more content…
Reed's harsh treatment. It represents Jane's metaphorical loss of her freedom as an individual. Jane's freedom as an individual was taken at a young age, and the dominance of a boy is what caused it. The red-room is the first instance in which Jane begins being taught the “traditional” female roles of the time period. What intensifies this metaphor is the short exchange between Jane and one of the maid's. The maid scorns Jane for hitting a “young gentleman.” and her “young master” ( 14), and Jane responds saying that he cannot be her master as she is not a servant. The maid responds saying that Jane is even less than a servant as she does nothing for her own well-being. There a few aspects of this exchange that help the reader recognize the red-room as a metaphor for the societal imprisonment of women. First, John Reed is in no way Jane's master. In fact, he is her cousin, and the made first identifies his being a man before calling him her master, suggesting that his dominance over her lies in his gender. Second, the maid says that she is even less than a servant, because she does not do anything for her keep. Not only does this allude to the societal conditions that were oppressive of the women of the period, but it also strengthens the claim that John is dominant simply because he is a male, as he does nothing for his keep either. Women were expected to do whatever their male counterparts expected of them, because he was the worker and provided for her (Abrams). This is exactly what the women in the red-room are telling Jane. This is when Jane loses her innocence to the oppression of women and is forced to realize that she will trapped in a metaphorical red-room for the rest of her
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