How Did Marilyn Monroe Influence The World

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Hollywood Icon Women wanted to be her, men wanted to be with her. Marilyn acted in 24 movies starting a revolution in the movie industry. She illustrated to women how to be empowered by their femininity, while struggling with her own self-identification, depression, and addiction. Marilyn Monroe is one the most remembered artists because or her performances and inspiring movements. Marilyn changed people’s perspective in the movie industry. She was willing to show herself both physically and emotionally, unlike most actresses. “A girl knows her limits, a wise girl knows she has one.” (Marilyn Monroe Quotes.) Marilyn was abused physically during her first marriage, divorcing him soon after. Her second husband believed she was to revealing, and did too many risqué scenes. She was willing to put her pain into movies, no matter the part she was playing. Marilyn knew what she wanted when she got into anything, Fox once threatened to fire her and she dared them to do it, they did not. She was persistent and head strong. Unlike most women in her time she was never willing to put her…show more content…
Monroe told the soon to be employers of Ella Fitzgerald, a black teenager soon to become an idol, that, despite her skin tone if they were to let her sing on stage, she would sit front row each night. (Marilyn M. Biography.) Monroe was still young trying to find herself in directors, movies, and photo-shoots. She was thrown around by critics, and chastised by women for what she was willing to do and show. Marilyn believed that it was her body and that, if she loved it and wanted to she could show it off however she please. She made mistakes and faced the repercussions of them much like everyone else, she was only human. What made her an artist was her passion and love for the camera, and the fact that she was imperfect and never tried to reach an unattainable goal of

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