Characters In The Book Thief

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Vocabulary Vulture Your job is to locate five key vocabulary words that have an impact on the novel. The words that you choose should either 1) help to create a picture in your head of what is happening in the plot, 2) describes the setting in detail, or 3) describes a character in detail. For each word chosen, fill out a section below. Book Title: The Book Thief Reading Assignment: pages 226-339 Word #1: Decimated Type the sentence from the novel in which this word is used. It must be a direct quote with a page number. Use MLA format. “He’d have cried and turned and smiled if only he could have seen the book thief on her hands and knees, next to his decimated body”(242). Why did you choose this word? (choose one) It helps readers…show more content…
Other: _________________________________ What does this word mean? Look it up in a dictionary, and explain the meaning. Decimated is the past tense of decimate and decimate is to kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of something, so decimated would be to have killed, destroyed and removed a large part of something. How does knowing this word help readers better understand the novel or theme? Explain in 3+ sentences. Knowing the definition helps readers better understand the novel because if the reader didn’t know what the word meant they would have assumed. They might have been incorrect in their assumption causing them to not really understand what was happening in the situation. When I first read this part I didn’t know what decimated meant and assumed it was similar to decapitation and I wasn’t exactly wrong, but I wasn’t right either, so it is better to know then to guess. Word #2: Envisaged Type the sentence from the novel in which this word is used. It must be a direct quote with a page number. Use MLA format. “It felt like his arms snapped a each elbow, and he envisaged his heart seeping out of him and dropping pathetically to the
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