Personal Experience: Being The Youngest Member In My Family

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As the youngest member in my family, I felt lost as I had no clue about my identity, yet I was still having fun being pampered by my parents and my siblings. I come from a religious family that valued principles above everything else, and a family that really cared about education, especially my mother, who got her Master in Healthcare Management and is aiming to get a Ph.D. in Business Administration. Even though my family values education, it didn’t seem like they cared if I would get high grades, not until high school at least. At the time I was small, my family tried to keep me within the house area so I would not be endangered in any way. As a result of being restricted to stay within the house area, however, I became an introvert and I got attached to playing video games and to discovering different technologies. The only friends I had were my siblings and no other, and I got upset about the matter that I have no other friends. If I got upset about not…show more content…
I’ve learned a lot from the different people I’ve talked to in the summer program, especially my colleagues and professors, who taught me valuable lessons that influenced my character and my career pathway, but in a good way. I kept changing my career pathway because I listened to many people talking to me about the salary of the job directly related to the major I wanted to pick or the job opportunities. What I’ve learned through the program is that life during and after university is important because it’s the time I’ll be capable of knowing my identity. Thus, I thought that it’s best to pick a major that’s related to a subject I’m interested in the

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