Changes In Europe During The Middle Ages

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After the great advances of what we now know as Greece and Rome, Europe fell into a period of darkness known as the middle Ages. During this time education was suppressed, knowledge didn’t advance and individuals were expected to devout their lives to the church above all else. It wasn’t until the 1300’s in which humanists began to break free from the medieval traditions. The Renaissance was a ‘rebirth’ for Europe that began in the late thirteenth century but in particular Italy and spread gradually to the north and west across Europe for the next two centuries, propelling change politically, economically and culturally throughout Europe. Humanism was one of the most influential intellectual movements within the Renaissance and its main…show more content…
“Sola gratia, sola scriptura, sola fide”. Luther started a revolution of change not only in religion but culturally as well. He showed others the traditional corruption of the church and gave people a voice to create change. Out of the Renaissance came new ways of thinking, Luther himself created an upheaval of old religious traditions for a new understanding of Christianity one that fought against the hierarchy but believe in a priesthood of believers. The reformation of religion throughout Europe was one of the most influential shaping features of the…show more content…
During the middle ages knowledge was derived from religion, only the wealthy were educated. During the end of the 14th century was a time of death for Europe with the plague also called black death were almost half of Europe’s population died, this lead to economic depression throughout Europe. The Renaissance greatly impacted the future of Europe and during this time the quality of life for the poor in the rural areas of the city improved the cities became a place were great minds gathered and new ideas began. In places like Florence a middle class raised bringing with it a new capitalist society based on trade and money, instead of bartering for the necessities like during the Middle Ages, people began to use money. Trade and manufacturing increased which in turn boosted importing and exporting all throughout Europe even as far as the Middle East and wool was the major factor in the Florence’s financial expansion. The injection of economic growth led to a growing change in political power of self-governing cities and population
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