Census Method

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A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population. The term is used mostly in connection with national population and housing census. Here, we are talking about the census procedure of four countries i-e Pakistan, United Kingdom, United States and Australia. There are various methods of data collection i-e by direct interview method, through a questionnaire, by telephonic interview method etc. Similarly, there are two methods of collecting census data. The first one is manually method and the second is electronically. In Pakistan, United Kingdom and United States, the manually method is used to collect census data through a questionnaire. A questionnaire that is also called…show more content…
The De-Jure method of conducting a census is used in Pakistan, United Kingdom, United States and Australia. All these countries count the people of their country at their normal place of residence. Now, we describe the accuracy of the census data which is based on following situations. The first one is, if people do not participate in census or refuse to give data to the enumerators, then we miss the census data. In such circumstances, we do not get the complete census data which will be inaccurate. The second one is, in some situations, the census team do not confirmed the census data from the household which is given by the people of that household. Therefore, in this situation, data will be inaccurate. If census data is inaccurate, then we do not get the significant result of any policy which is planned on the basis of census data in the country. Now, we see how accuracy is deal in these countries. In Pakistan, if people of any household do not participate in census or refuse to give census data to the census team, then no legal action will be taken against that…show more content…
There is no strict law or penalty for such cases. As a result, the census data will be inaccurate. On the contrary, in United Kingdom, the participation of every household is very essential for the whole country. The people who do not participate in census or refuse to answer shall face a maximum fine of £1, 000. There is strict rule for such kind of inaccurate cases of census data. Similarly, in United States, such households that do not respond the census form or refuse to fill the form and return it by post, the census takers send a second form and visit that household if they do not respond the second form. Census takers may return up to visit six times to make sure a household is included in the count. Hence, we can get an accurate and complete census data. Moreover, in Australia, since paper census form and e census both are used for census, so if households return the form for all people present via internet, the census collectors will not need to return households and already get a complete data. But if households elect to use the paper form or only include some household members on the e census, the collector arranges with the household a suitable time to return and collect the form after census

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