The Importance Of Instructional Media

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Learning materials are a learning resource that is used in the learning process. According to Ibrahim (2003, p. 3), learning materials needed by the teacher to manage the learning process includes syllabus, lesson plan, students sheet activity, evaluation instrument or test, instructional media, and students' book. Learning materials developed in this research include the lesson plan, students sheet activity, test, and instructional media. Lesson plans The Lesson plan is learning activity plan for one or more meetings. The Lesson plan was developed based on the syllabus to guide the students' learning activities to achieve basic competency. There are thirteen components of a lesson plan based on the regulation of ministerial education and culture…show more content…
But only view teachers who take advantage of, even use the lecture method is still quite popular among teachers in the learning process. The medium of learning is everything which can deliver the message of learning resources in a planned manner to create a conducive learning environment in which the recipient can make the learning process effectively and efficiently (Munadi, 2012, p. 8). The definition is in line with the definition given by the Association of Education and Communication Technology / AECT that is, all forms of media and channels used to distribute the messages/information. Instructional media have several uses. In general, the use of the media directed to achieve the learning objectives. Sadiman, et al. (2014, p. 17) describes four uses of media include: (1) clarify the presentation of the message; (2) to overcome the limitations of space, time, and the sense of power; (3) to overcome the passivity of learners; and (4) to overcome the teachers' difficulties in face different characteristics of students who are faced with the same curriculum and…show more content…
The red part is the sum of the two fractions. Students make a shading part of the card which is the sum of fractions. In addition, students are asked to write a form of addition of fractions using a formal notation. The difference of fractions is determined by connecting both extend into the fraction card or put a card used for subtracting fractions over the deductible fraction card. Part of the card that looked represents the difference between the two fractions. Then the students leave the shades on the card that indicates the result of subtraction of fractions. Demonstration of subtraction of fraction can be seen in the image
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