Cause And Effect Short Story

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Cause && Effect for every action theres a reaction. For every bad decison, there is a consequence. Once upon a time there was a woman by the name of shirly. Shirly had it made in every aspect of her beautiful and awestruck life. It was truly a dream come true. She had an outstanding job as a sales manager and her husband was the sweetest, and most considerate man that any woman could have ever asked for. Shirly and her husband eventually had three girls together, and the family picture was complete. Her life was forever set, or so she thought. on a peacful night in mid july 2002, shirly and her family went to the movies. Every thursday night was family night. what seemed as a perfect night turned into the perfect disaster. Driving…show more content…
“Its only five minutes away daddy, please!” they said. He smiled and said “ok”. Shirly and the middle child kay decided they didnt want ice cream so they stayed home. An hour had passed, and just when she started to worry there was a loud pounding onthe front door. She scattered to the door wondering what took them so long. But it wasent her husband and kids. Instead it was the police. Two officers asked her if it was okay to come in, that they needed to speak with her. Confused and flustered she allowed them to come in. Shirly told kay to go to her room and asked the officers what was going on. “im afaid we have some bad news” officer kernan said. “what is it?” she replied. He told her to sit down so she did. He sat next to her and told her that her husband had gotten into a wreck, and the car was found in a lake nearby. Shirly lost her husband and two children;from that night on her life turned upsdie down Soon after the tragic events that took place, shirly forgot about the one daughter she still had. She was so caught up in hurt and agony that it eventually consumed her completley. Her daughter was taken away, and put into foster care when shirly lost everything due to drugs. She found what she thought was a resolution to her
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