Cats In Ancient Egypt

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The egyptians believed that a balanced relationship between people and animal was an essential element of cosmic order. So, the humans,animals and plants were believed to be members of a single whole Animals were domesticated and wild , so there were both celebrated as spirituality and companionship in ancient Egypt As a primarily agrarian society , ancient Egyptians had a distinct problem with mice, rats and snakes all of them were threaten for grain stores. To control rat, snake and mice Egyptian started to domesticated wild cats by preyed on scavengers and so began to leave food such a fish head to tempt the cat visit them regularly.This way cats perfectly as being close to human settlements with human not only to get food also cats could…show more content…
There is a interesting scene in Nebamun tomb which it was discovered that the eye of the cat os decorated with gold inlay. If cats were killed even accidently person who killed them punished by death sentence. Herodotus, a Greek visited Egypt before 2400 years ago, stated that anyone killed cat was put to death. A Roman visiter Diodorus visited and killed cat accidently. The angry mob killed him. Herodotus recorded that the persians used the Egyptians love of cats against them. Intentionally captured a larger number of cats and left them in battlefield outside pelusium.When the Egyptian saw the terrified cats running the battlefield they surrendered in the not to harm the cats.Egyptians to fear of harming cats. surrendered the city and let Egypt fall to the persians. The greatest example of Egyptian devotion to the cat, however, comes from the Battle of Pelusium (525 BCE) in which Cambyses II of Persia defeated the forces of the Egyptian Pharaoh Psametik III to conquer Egypt. Knowing of the Egyptian’s love for cats, Cambyses had his men round up various animals, cats chiefly among them, and drive the animals before the invading forces toward the fortified city of Pelusium on the

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