Speech On Orcas In Captivity

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Orcas In Captivity Going into an entertainment park is fun and fulfilling when it’s not watching wild animals performing abnormal tricks that have their lives dependent on their performance. At SeaWorld, if orcas don’t perform or do an act like they are trained to they will be neglected, neglected of food and neglected of empathy and attention from their trainers. Orcas don’t want to perform because they want to, but because they have to. Wild animals shouldn’t be kept away from their wild lifestyle that is normal to them, whether it’s at SeaWorld, other marine parks, at zoos, at circuses or in any other captivity. Animals should be free in the wild where they are longed to be, able to live their lives to the fullest and be surrounded by the…show more content…
Seven were captured and taken into captivity, now only on of the orcas captured is alive today. That orca is named Lolita, she has been in captivity alone for 47 years. . In the wild, orca mothers maintain lifelong bonds with their offsprings. Orcas have been captured and kept in captivities since 1961. Wild young orcas were plucked from their lives and families. Orcas are highly social and family oriented like humans and being in captivity break apart their family bonds. Then once in captivity they were put into tiny tanks, and were forced to live in artificial social groupings. The practice of taking orcas into captivity and placing them into small concrete tanks to be used as entertainment started in the 1960s. Orcas were caught as juveniles and moved into tanks where they would spend the rest of their life in. Once they were captured and in captivity they were trained to perform tricks for our entertainment. 50 orcas remain in captivity. SeaWorld has not captured a wild orca for almost 40 years, instead they breed them in captivity. About a year ago SeaWorld made a statement on one of their websites seaworldcares, “ The killer whales currently in our care will be the last generation of killer whales at…show more content…
Capturers only take the younge orcas, known as calves. In the movie Blackfish, Howard Garrett, an orca researcher, talked about a capture that John Crowe ,a diver, was part in. Howard Garrett researched a capture that occured in Washington, where a heartbreaking seen emerged. John Crowe was a team member that helped capture the orcas at Washington. Garrett: “So the adults without young went east into a cul-de-sac and the boats followed them, thinking they were all going that way, while the mothers with babies went north. But the capture teams had aircraft. And they have to come up for air eventually. And when they did, the capture teams alerted the boats and said ‘Oh,no, they are going north-- the ones with babies.’ so the boats-- the speed boats caught them there and herded them in (10:56)”. In most captures they only want the babies, mainly because they are easier to transport and easier to train once in captivity. Howard Garrett was talking about a capture that John Crowe was apart of, and while he was working in the capture and remarked that they only were too capture the babies, Crowe: “We were only after the little ones.”

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