Catalase Reaction Paper

725 Words3 Pages
Introduction: Enzymes mainly consist of proteins, and have the ability to catalyse biochemical reactions. They are capable of breaking down substrates into smaller section or join two or more substrates together, without the reaction having an impact on the enzyme itself. Enzymes allow biochemical reactions to occur more rapidly. For biochemical reactions to take place the substrate energy needs to be altered to an unstable transition state (Greenwood, 2015 pg.32), the energy needed to do so is known as the activation energy. The activation energy is lowered, as a result of the enzymes adding charges to the substrate causing redistribution of electrons throughout the substrate molecule hence making the substrate molecule more reactive. (Huxley, Walter, 1998 biology textbook). Enzymes are present in every reaction which occurs in the body, in particular the decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide which is aided by Catalase enzymes. Catalase is an enzyme naturally found in living organisms, in mammals and human’s in particular. This enzyme is located mainly in the liver. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is naturally produced by the thyroid, gut and lungs, to fight infection and bacteria invasion, sterilising the area. However the accumulation of H2O2 can be very dangerous as it can cause oxidative damage to cells, thus our body contains the enzyme Catalase which breaks down H2O2 into…show more content…
Catalase is comprised of various amino acid subunits that are ordered in a chain structure forming the protein molecule. Many of these protein molecules are folded together which forms the globular shape of the Catalase enzyme (figure 1). (Corsini,). Catalase is a tetramer which consists of 4 identical monomeric subunits each containing over 500 amino acids, which is represented by the 4 colours in figure 1

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