Polythiophene Lab Report

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Synthesis of Polythiophene by Using MgO and Different Stabilizers for Separating Cd (II) from Aqueous Solution Abstract - The goal of this work is to study the sorption characteristic of Polythiophene nanocomposites for eliminating Cd(II) from aqueous solution. The products were characterized in the terms of morphology, particle size, and chemical structure by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction, and FTIR. FTIR spectrum analysis confirms that nanocomposite is formed in the presence of surfactant. Also, the FTIR spectra shows that the intensity of the peaks is correlated with MgO and the type of the surfactant. The extra peaks in the XRD pattern of nanocomposites prove the presence of MgO nanoparticles in the Polythiophene…show more content…
For the typical synthesis, 1 ml of thiophene monomer was added to the stirred aqueous solution (100 ml) having 3g of FeCl3. After few minutes 5 ml H2O2 was added to the solution. The experiment was carried out for 24 h. The product was then collected by filtration, and for separating the oligomers and impurities, the product was washed in succession with deionized water for several times. Afterward, it was dried at room temperature. 2.4.2. Preparation of polythiophene in the presence of surfactants (PVP and PEG) in aqueous media The experiment was carried out in an aqueous media at room temperature for 24 h. In a typical experiment, 1 ml of thiophene monomer was added to the stirred aqueous solution (100 ml) having 3g of FeCl3 and specific amount of one of the surfactants. After few minutes, 5 ml of H2O2 was added to the solution. After 24 hours, the product was dried by centrifuge at room temperature. The amount of surfactants used for the preparation of polythiophene nanocomposites are listed in Table 1. 2.4.3. Preparation of polythiophene/MgO in aqueous…show more content…
The SEM micrographs indicate that the surfactants have a considerable effect on the size and homogeneity of particles. In synthesis of polythiophene by using different surfactants minimum average particle size was obtained by using PEG. The nanocrystalline MgO, dispersed uniformly in the polythiophene matrix. In synthesis of polythiophene/MgO average particle size was obtained by using PEG as surfactant. FTIR spectroscope results show that the intensity of peaks depends on the type of surfactant and additive. The maximum amount of Cd (II) removal in different concentration was obtained by using PEG as surfactant. The synthesized material in this research is polythiophene which was used for removing Cd (II) ions. Using different surfactant changed the average particle size. PEG was the best surfactant to reach the minimum particle size. Polythiophene/MgO was synthesized next. By studding the results of FTIR, it has been cleared that type of surfactants and additives have direct effect on intensity of peaks in addition of their effects on size dispersion in SEM test results. Finally, PEG causes the maximum amount of CD (II) removal in studying of different

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