Out, Out By Robert Frost

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Poetic analysis of “ Out, Out -” by Robert Frost The poem “ Out, Out-” by Robert Frost, gives the impression that his poem is about the meaninglessness of life. Robert Frost helps further support this theory by using many literary devices. Frost uses the literary devices imagery, diction, form among other things. The first area where Frost shows evidence to support this theory is introduced is the title. The title has a dash at the end of the word “ Out “ before the end quotation, implying it was cut off. Lines 19-20, “ Half in appeal,but half as if to keep” “The life from spilling. The boy then saw all-” are both cut short. Line twenty five is when the boy in Frost’s poem, was cut short at hand of the saw. Also in lines thirty one-thirty two,they forgot about the boy. In a sense the whole poem is short in choppy or the illusion of being “ cut off “ known as form. Finally as stated in line thirty,” little- less- nothing! and that ended it.”.…show more content…
In line 9, the words “ it is yet to come” gave the impression of the worst is yet to come. In line seven the noises of the saw brings edrenalin to the reader as it leads into line twenty. In line twenty it states “ his heart was beating fast “ but in line twenty eight it says “ and the watcher took his pulse in a fright.”. All the sentences are short and choppy but allowing you to get to line thirty two faster. Line thirty two says “ they went about their business because they weren’t dead. His life was so short he didn't make a very big impression, so when died nobody cried they all walked away. His life is very well presented as

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