Care Assistant Personal Statement

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“The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for.." Mother Teresa. This quote makes my heart melt every time it crosses my mind and is most suited to describe my desire to study Medicine. From a very young age, caring for people has been something I enjoyed doing, especially the terminally ill ones. Why do we fall sick? And why do we take medications to make us well again? These are the questions that baffled me for a very long time. In order to put an end to my curiosity , reading health magazines and science textbooks became my hobby. During this process of limitless searching ,I got attracted to other captivating biological advances, such as the healing phases of soft tissue…show more content…
As a Care Assistant, my duties include helping with patient sanitation, washing, wound-dressing, feeding , care of catheters and drainage bag, bed making, checking patients B.P, etc. To gain more experience, I applied for a the role of a ward assistant and house-keeping at the central Manchester university hospital ,where I have been working for two years. Here I have learnt a lot about the general workings of a hospital , ward settings and what it's like to be a Medical doctor. My social skills and confidence were boosted as I was working on different wards, meeting new staffs and caring for patients with different types of ailment. I have worked on both the adult and the paediatrics section respectively. I have worked on different wards like; the haematology and Oncology unit, the A&E, the medical acute unit, the Bone marrow and transplant unit and so on, now I currently work on the Observation medical unit. I often engage terminally ill and elderly patients in conversations, although the severity of their situation is not encouraging at times as majority of them look so weak and poorly. This role has revealed to me how physically and mentally demanding the medical field can be, I have had the privilege to talk to doctors and consultants on ward rounds, asking them questions about the challenges they face in the medical field and how to overcome them. The positive feedback I received from both patients and staffs have strengthened me and encouraged me to choose Medicine as a
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