Personal Career Analysis: Nurse Anesthetist

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Personal Career Analysis: Nurse Anesthetist A Nurse Anesthetist is an advanced practice Registered Nurse who is able to provide different types of anesthesia for various medical procedures. I have always been interested in the medical field, but I have struggled with what exact position I wanted. Although, I realize that it is usually very easy to transition from one specialty of medicine to another, I have done various internships which have helped me immensely in making this decision. One of my Holland Codes from the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment was “Social.” In the description, it says that I would be good at helping people which is exactly what I want to do in this field. Another Holland Code I had was “Investigative” which determined…show more content…
This class would help me learn an extensive amount of professionalism for the two gap years I have while working in a Critical Care Unit. Another class that would be beneficial for me would be Nursing 4070: Leadership and Management of Professional Nursing. In a position such as a Registered Nurse or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, I would search for a leadership position such as a Charge Nurse or someone who would have more responsibility, and this class would build onto the leadership skills I am currently gaining by being in the President’s Emerging Leaders Program. One high-impact practice I could become involved with is the Vanderbilt Internship which is also considered a high-level class (Nursing 4000). This internship would be so valuable to my career because I could gain an immense amount of knowledge and experience before I even become a licensed Registered Nurse. Therefore, I would be more able to make better medical decisions from having previous experience. Another high-impact practice that would be beneficial would be yet another high-level nursing class, Independent Health Care Study (Nursing 4090). Classes like these will help me research and form my own opinions not only about health care in general, but about my specific profession as well. This career outlook is extremely positive. It is “expected to grow 31 percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations.” (CITATION) There are also opportunities for advancement by increasing your education. A Nurse Anesthetist could get a license as a Nurse Practitioner which would increase pay, or they could take on a managerial role such as a Charge Nurse or

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