British Telecommunication Case Study

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Task 04 The different methods of performance management of British telecommunication Performance management can be mentioned as an integrated approach of human resource management which aims to construct certain behavior of the employee which is in line with organization standard and goals. The different methods of performance management are discussed below- Jobs description and process flows: Job descriptions and process flows ensure the proper work design for the organization. It also contributes the work responsibilities of British telecommunication. An employee of the organization can know his or her job duty on the basis of jobs description (Guest, 1997). 1. Feedback and coaching methods: Feedback and coaching methods are done by the…show more content…
The company is always concerned about its employee’s welfare. It provides different welfare packages for the employee. The practice of managing employee’s welfare in British telecommunication is discussed below- British Telecommunication Company formulates employee welfare benefit and welfare plan for the betterment of its employees. It also provides employees pension benefits for the employee. This helps employees to maintain their family cost in old age. British Telecommunication Company provides different medical, surgical or hospital care or benefits for the employee. If any employee becomes sick, the company provides his or her medical expenses (Guest, 1997). It also provides disability, death, unemployment or vacation benefits for the employees (Delery, 2012). Every year the company gives certain day’s vacation facility for every employee. British Telecommunication Company also provides apprenticeship or other training programs for its new employees and old employees. It has day care center for employees where every employee can get its services. It also provides insurance scheme for every registered employee. If an employee gets injured or death, this irreparable loss will be covered under the insurance…show more content…
It always concerns enough about the employee’s safety. It does not do anything which violets the health and safety legislation of the employee. The company knows that health and safety are important in the workplaces. For this, the company strictly follows the health and safety regulations and acts. The company allows the employee’s refusal to work if they see unsafe conditions (Buytendijk, 2011). The company does not involve its employees in dangerous equipment or materials. It also provides different first aids for the employee. The working environment of the British telecommunication company is favorable for the employee’s health. It provides standard working conditions for every employee. The workstation is hygienic and more safety for the employee. Human resource department always concerns for maintaining such a healthy and safety work environment where every employee will feel comfortable to work. It does not take any decision or step which goes against the employee’s health and safety issues. The company’s human resource management authority makes such working conditions where employees get high standard of safety and health benefit. It has mission to make such a working environment that no one has to suffer because of unhygienic working conditions (Buytendijk,

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