African History: 632 A. D, 1800s And The 1900s

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African history is slowly being unfolded. As we unfold brand new history we discover that Africa was not shaped by itself automatically shaped through a long process. African society faced many challenges in the past and is still currently facing challenges. However, we can not underestimate the impacts of the series of traumas and the experiences they lived on. We live in a world where we allow people to judge Africans without knowing their history, culture, identity and traditions. It is very important to know one’s background before we can make any assumptions or any sort of stereotypes. Throughout this essay I will be talking about three main time periods. The three main time periods are: 632 A.D, 1800s, and the 1900s. It is quite evident…show more content…
The Africans’ faced discrimination, racism and slavery. The British parliament finally abolished the transportation of slaves in 1807. Although, the British parliament abolished it in late 1800s (other conquerors in the country still continued the transportation of slaves). However, the 1807 abolishment reflects the relationship between African history and the broader human history. The African nations’ past would include many traumatic historical experiences. The slave trades that happened through the Atlantic Ocean are by far the worst. However, near the end of the 19th century colonial conquest, and the ongoing poverty, violence and political authoritarianism of the era of independence was reaching an end. Many of those enslaved in Africa were usually prisoners of war or victims of political or judicial punishments. African people are people just like every one of us, so why should they be treated as slaves? Therefore, the abolishment of the slave trade is by far the best key moments that helped shape Africa into their own destiny, (as now the Africans’ know their worth and value as well as what they are capable…show more content…
When these different events occurred through different time periods we saw how Africa slowly shaped itself to where it is today. When North Africa was invaded by Muslims it helped Africa economically with trades and also helped Africans realize what their true identity was. After the abolishment of slave trade, it was the first step of independence for the Africans. Abolishment of slavery helped the Africans realize that they are beginning to become independent from colonialism. As history continues and progresses, the Africans gain one of the basic human rights that we all have today, the right to education. Although, not everyone has the privilege to get an education in Africa, most African’s finally got the chance to go to universities in their own country and gain knowledge. There is a saying “Knowledge is power”; however, knowledge is not just power, but rather the key to power. The Africans used their knowledge to extend their knowledge and to further learn more about their country. The three historical events that occurred in these particular time periods helped Africa’s destiny religiously, judicially and intellectually. Since history repeats itself, it is important to know our history so we can prevent it from

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