Foreign Exchange Rate Case Study

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The foreign exchange rate is the price of one national currency as expressed in terms of the value of another currency. In the words of H.E. Evitt “the section of economic science which deals with the means and methods by which rights to wealth in one country’s currency are converted into rights to wealth in terms of another countries currency. It involves the investigation of the method by which the currency of one country is exchanged for that of another, the causes which render or equivalent values at which such exchanges are effected”. This exchange price, allows currencies to be exchanged for one another. The exchange rate affects the cost of goods imported and exported; the country’s inflation rate; and a firm’s profitability, level…show more content…
The effect of size is in terms of the use of computer technology, the use of both physical and synthetic products, and the number of both short-term and long-term foreign funding activities. In practice, irrespective of the size a firm should manage the foreign exchange risks. The favoured techniques of risk management can be through the extensive use of synthetic products (options and swaps) in addition to the more usual physical products such as spot and forward transactions. There are a number of hedging methods, and they include forward contracts, swaps, or options. One of the methods involves interbank market, which offers both spot as well as forward transactions. An importer or buyer may purchase foreign currency immediately on the spot (or cash) market for future use. When the foreign exchange is not needed until sometime in the future, the seller (or buyer) can turn to the forward market, usually entering into a forward contract with a bank agreeing on the purchase and sale of currencies at a certain price at some future time. Smaller companies often have trouble obtaining forward contracts from their banks for two reasons. First, they are not well known. Second, their transaction sizes are too small to get the benefits of banks’…show more content…
A forward contract costs half a percentage point per year of the revenue being hedged. Multinationals, due to the nature of their operations, may be able to employ a natural hedge. The technique involves matching revenues and costs in the same currency. One variation of the technique is to manufacture and buy supplies locally. By using locally earned revenues to pay for production of local goods, a company can minimise the earnings that must be translated or repatriated. Another variation of the method is to look at the net exposure. Coca-Cola manages most of its foreign currency exposures on a consolidated basis by using natural offsets to determine the net exposure. In addition, the weakness in one currency is often offset by the strengths in others over time. It should be noted that a firm’s ability to construct operational hedges has an impact on its exchange rate risk exposure. Those multinationals with greater breadth are less exposed to currency risk. In contrast, those with more highly concentrated networks (greater depth) are more

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