Dynamic synergy analysis in international business:the concept and application to two players China and Russia. Prof DrM s s el namaki, Dean, Victoria University, School of Management, Switzerland. Dean (Retired) Maastricht School of Management, MSM, And The Netherlands. Dr.el.namaki@gmail.com,Rijksstraatweg 729b, 2245cc Wassenaar, Netherlands. (Global Tel. +971505087490). The problem There are two ways to conduct economic, and possibly political, business between
1970s due to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system. This failure alerted the United States of the status and the weakness of economic fundamentals of the world order. There are three main views of International Political Theory that emerged. The Liberal view has faith in independence for private owners at the cost of public power/the government as well as promoting a free market. The Realist/Mercantilist