Borderline Personality Disorder Paper

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Background Information Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder include emotions that are out of control that cannot be smoothed, hypersensitivity to abandonment, proneness to overly cling to others, and a history of self-hurt. The mood of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder is unstable with periods of severe depression, anxiety, and anger for no apparent cause. They experience self-doubt, low self-concept, and struggle in interpersonal relationships (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011). Becky is a twenty-four year female college student. She volunteered to participate in the case study as an attempt to overcome her disorder. She is intelligent and high ambitious. She has had trouble with family and relationships since her youth. She…show more content…
She constantly sought reassurance as a child by telling lies about things that really did not happen to her in order to get attention from those around her. The therapist stated in the case study that Becky that she would idolize people and later scorn them. This shows unstable interpersonal relationships. She states in the interview that she does not have stable coping methods. She is angry, experiences self-doubt and practices self-mutilation (Gregoire & Kohn, 2007). According to Abnormal Psychology, people with borderline personality disorder often cling to new acquaintances and worry often about being abandoned (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011). She admitted after being in any kind of relationship for more than two years it becomes routine and she drops the person and moves on to the next relationship. She also exhibits this behavior if she feels she is about to be abandoned (Gregoire & Kohn, 2007). Diagnosis I did not observe any medical conditions that might contribute to this disorder. Psychosocial and environmental problems that may have influenced the disorder are her father having muscular dystrophy. Her mother was sexually abused as a child and confided explicit details to Becky. Becky’s mother relied on her as her confidant and took things out on

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