Blanche Dubois Masculinity

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To me the definition of true masculinity and femininity, too- is being able to lay in your own skin comfortably. -Vincent D’Onofrio. In the novel Feminist Critique of A Streetcar Named Desire femininity and masculinity play an important role. The play takes place in the city of New Orleans “a cosmopolitan city where there is a relatively warm and easy intermingling of races” (3). Also, Old South known as multi generation, conservative, law of nature(women as entertainers), men seen as gentlemen. In addition, the relationship between Blanche Dubois and Stanley Kowalski is also based on social and cultural differences. Blanche has grown up in the world of servants, beautiful clothes and high status living. Their family mansion is the standard she uses to measure if the person is of her circle. After Belle Reve has been lost, Blanche is helpless and hopeless. She has also lost her job due to immoral behavior at the school she has taught English in. Her life in the Laurel, the home town, was not too successful, she was eventually forced to leave. Stanley Kowalski represents the leader among his peers, he acts as the alpha male; hypermasculine.. He is abusive and…show more content…
She does not know how to make both ends meet being a simple school teacher. She is very flirtatious and friendly, but just won't keep away from men. Her loneliness and desperation, “I want to be near you, got to be with somebody, I can’t be alone!” (17). Then, after losing the mansion, she moves to a hotel, and then is forced out of the town, because of several scandals. She is useless, immoral and disagreeable. She does not respect anyone, and often sees people as inferior, lower class, the servants. On the other hand, Stanley Kowalski is a satisfied with himself, and his life. He is proud of himself, and does not allow Blanche or anyone treat him worse than he believes he

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