Zora Neale Hurston Feminist Analysis

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As many would know, the term “feminism” is often affiliated with females who are against the norm of males controlling grounds politically, socially, and economically. This term was brought to life throughout the beginning of the 19th century when women decided to get out of the kitchen and revolt against inequality. Little did one know the progression of what was called the Women’s Movement caused separation of equal gender roles which later weakened woman’s dominance. Similarly, one of these few advocates, or better to say feminists, is an American anthropologist and author under the name Zora Neale Hurston. Out of all the eighteen novels Hurston wrote, one book depicts juxtaposition between women and men that highlight several themes. The…show more content…
To illustrate, Hurston notes from the beginning of the novel the value of Janie’s hair by stating how “[the] men noticed [Janie’s]…great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume” which exemplifies how one simple trait within Janie can instantly draw attention thus causing disarray further on in the novel (2). Markedly, one can see how quick the men turned their heads when being charmed by one simple attribute Janie has. Due to the fact that this novel is written in the form of a frame narrative, the occurrence from the example above was after Janie Crawford was left without any husband. One can see how Janie’s hair helps assist her own form of originality and self-power. Another example that justifies confirmation of Janie’s form of individuality is when “[Janie] tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair. The weight, the length, the glory was there. She took careful stock of herself, then combed her hair and tied it back up again. Then she starched and ironed her face, forming it into just what people wanted to see, and opened up the window and cried…” (Hurston 87). Certainly, Janie’s independence grows after Starks’ death because she notices how her happiness should not rely on someone else. Janie’s rebellious action turns into a positive achievement after knowing that most of the town may judge her own appearance. Significantly, without caring, often times individuals ignore their physical characteristics (in this time period hair was major) hoping that the general public will accept either

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