Bill Of Rights Necessary

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Preamble? More like Pre-ramble. Am-I-rite? A great country requires perfect laws to maintain what keeps it great. Laws play a large role in the governing. The Constitution of the United States, was a document that laid down the basic principles that the United States was born on, which was created by the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. It sets up a federal government with three separate branches of power. However, the Constitution has been questioned by many people. The Bill of Rights came out later on after the Constitution, it is the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Is the Bill of Rights necessary? Sure it is. The Bill of Rights fixes the flaws in the Constitution. The Bill of Rights improves and perfects the basic rights of citizens,…show more content…
In the Bill of Rights, it supports the rights of self-preservation and security, which is the precondition of other rights. “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” (Amend. II) This Amendment makes a statement of the right of security through allowing holding a militia. It also allows carrying guns for self-protection. Gun legalization is a measure for crime prevention. A criminal can stop his action because he is afraid of losing his life. On the other hand, the new democratic state must ensure that the people have the basic right to resist the tyranny of the armed forces. In the view of Americans, firearms violence is the last line of defense. Although there is some shootings grow to have social impact, compared to war or the tyranny, the…show more content…
Religion is always a big topic in everyday life. However, there is nothing about it in the Constitution. People get confused by the national view of religion. Is it legal to have a religion belief? Do they need a same religion? Is there a religion symbolizing the country? The Bill of Rights answers these questions. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”(Amend. I). It states that different religious beliefs are allowed. Citizens have the right to choose their religions. Congress does not control the religious activities because they separate the governing and religion. This helps handle the contradictions and problems between different religions and avoid forced religious. There is no wrong if there is no right. The Bill of Rights announces that the government does not judge about the
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