Bill Of Rights: The First Ten Amendments To The French Revolution

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Bill of Rights: Adopted by the necessary number of states in 1791, the first ten amendments to the constitution, popularly known as the Bill of Rights, safeguard some of the most precious American principles. The Bill of Rights also prohibits cruel and unusual punishments and arbitrary government seizure of private property. It established an absolute unwavering standard of rights that every citizen would have and It gave the states more defined rights. 27. Hamilton’s Financial Program: In 1791, Hamilton argued, a national bank would be not only “proper” but “necessary.” In short, Hamilton contended for a “loose” or “broad” interpretation of the constitution. As a result of Hamilton’s Financial Program, The Bank of the United States,…show more content…
It allowed people of similar views to come together to place their candidate into office. 29. French Revolution: The French Revolution entered a more ominous phase in 1792, when France declared war on hostile Austria. The earlier battles of the French Revolution had not hurt America directly, but now Britain was sucked into the contagious conflict. The conflagration speedily spread to the New World, where it vividly affected the expanding young American Republic. It was the first time a population revolted against the Monarchy and established a Republic. 30. Neutrality Proclamation: Washington boldly issued his Neutrality Proclamation in 1793, shortly after the outbreak of war between Britain and France. This epochal document not only proclaimed the government’s official neutrality in the widening conflict, but sternly warned American citizens to be impartial toward both armed camps. Washington's Neutrality Proclamation declared the United States as a neutral country during France and Great Britain's wars that led to the French

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