Bias In The Counselling Process

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1. Introduction Bias is the tendency to think, act and feel in a particular way (O.Donohue, Cummings, & Cummings, 2006). It is not easy for counsellors to not allow their biases to influence their counselling session with their clients, but they can try to increase their mindfulness (Magnavita & Anchin, 2014). We believe that the way the counsellor has been raised determines the type of biases they will have. It is therefore important for counsellors to be able to control their biased views towards their clients (Magnavita & Anchin, 2014). This assignment will look at the biases and attitudes that face with Katlego and his situation and also how these biases and attitudes would impact the counselling process. It will also discuss the skills…show more content…
This then therefore causes the client to come to the counselling session with their own client biases. The client might get paranoid or defensive about revealing their feelings. This will therefore cause an awkward moment during the counselling session (Heppner, Kivlighan, & Wampold, 2008). 2 Implications that counsellor attitudes and biases have on counselling process. Counsellors are required to be aware of their skills, knowledge and performance as professionals and also should have self-awareness of personal factors that may interfere in the counselling process (Poletto, 2007). 2.1 The functions of the helper Professional counsellors are known to help clients find solutions to their problems; this can be done through various ways of counselling (Ciccarelli & White, 2013). According to Cormier and Hackney (2014) counsellors help clients explore life concerns and issues. They help clients identify and pursue culturally relevant expectations, wishes or goals. They help clients assess and implement culturally relevant strategies for change. They help clients identify and assess results and plan for self-directed change in the clients own…show more content…
People are still able to control themselves when they are drunk or high, Katlego should have at least tried to do the same. Every drug user knows that there are consequences for using drugs, Katlego knew what the outcomes could have been and still used drugs. 4 The Influence of counsellor biases and attitudes during the counselling process Counsellor Biases and attitudes can wound the client due to the fact that the counsellor indirectly judges the client and the client is not expecting to be judged, they are there seeking for help (Trawinski, 2015). 4.1 The impact of counsellor bias and attitudes on the client Katlego might feel discouraged to talk about his feelings once he realises that we are being hostile towards him. He would hold back some of the information because of the fear that he might be judged more (Cormier & Hackney, 2014). Katlego might also get defensive once he notices that we are being bias towards him to justify his actions so that he does not seem like a bad

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