Beowulf Is A Role Model

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I Need a Hero Who is your hero? Your role model? For most people today hero is someone who is recognized for their outstanding, noble abilities and is normally idolized for these qualities. Within the Epic poem, Beowulf by the Beowulf poet, the protagonist Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon hero whom displays the required features of a hero or role model during this time period in unique and profound ways. There are three virtues Beowulf possesses throughout the poem and he truly enforces them in the actions he performs within the poem itself. Throughout Beowulf’s journey, generosity is a heavily found in the interaction of Beowulf and other characters within the Epic poem. Without loyalty though, Beowulf would not be such a beloved hero during the…show more content…
Beowulf for one thing is quite generous in the way he leaves his homeland and fights for another country. During the story, Beowulf announces that he will, “ sail the swan’s road and search out the king” in order to aid him in his dire time of need (200). Beowulf distributes great generosity through the way he is abandoning his own people to go and fight for people he barely knows, showing significant generosity. Beowulf inevitably shows generosity with the other men of the story confide in each other which is shown through honor. The people believe in Beowulf and prove the trust they feel by concluding he is “keeper of his people counted on Beowulf to the warrior’s steadfastness and word” (609-610). Beowulf and the other warriors count on each other to perform certain tasks for each other and out of generosity these tasks were performed efficiently and effectively. Ultimately we are able to see Beowulf truly show his generosity through the prizes he receives at the end of the first two battles by giving them to the people of Geat. Beowulf appears after the second battle and described as, “The seafarer’s leader made for land/ resolutely swimming, delighted with his prize/ the mighty load he was lugged to the surface” (1623-1625). The greatest generosity is shown through the giving of these amazing prizes to the…show more content…
Beowulf begins showing this loyalty furthermore through his honor to the Geats. Beowulf proves this loyalty to the Geats when he feels he has, “I have suffered extremes/ and avenged the Geats” and the people feel he has as well (422-423). Beowulf never left the Geats without protection in the time of danger although; he himself has suffers greatly through these battles which present true loyalty. IN addition to the loyalty Beowulf bestows for the Geats, Beowulf produces great loyalty to his father back home. This loyalty is present when Beowulf mentions that “if the battle takes me, send back / this breast-webbing that Weland fashioned/ and Hrethel gave me, to Lord Hygelac” (452-454). Beowulf is requesting his last remains are sent back to his father if he shall die in battle, thus giving the sense he is extremely loyal to his father. For a final point about the loyalty of Beowulf, he is found to portray all of the actions he promises to the people of the poem by never breaking his word or a promise and in this way shows tremendous amounts of loyalty. Beowulf is seen making pledges and promises through which “the Lord sprang to hid feet/ and praised God for Beowulf’s pledge” (1397-1398). Beowulf never quivered on his word and everything he promised would occur for the Geats did, which proves the loyalty he had for many
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