Rand Kelly Persuasive Essay

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The outlaw who divides a nation Hero, villain or victim… I don’t care what think the others people, for me was incredible folk hero, assuredly an Australian Robin Hood. Ned Kelly was not a simple person, through his history he help his family and friends to fight against the wrongfully perverse police; which tormented the society. At this time the police was a corrupt mercenary force for the ruling classes, and they were hated by the majority of the population. Ned just rebelled against them and fought for the just freedom of the people that he appreciated. He fought tirelessly to get out of jail his mother, who was unfairly accused for the wicked Constable Fitzpatrick. That day Constable Fitzpatrick, a man of doubtful character with an eye…show more content…
The life Ned was not different to the others outlaws; steal, die young, escape and not be in a good financial position. He had not option the antecedents of his family condemned him to a life of theft. Surprisingly smart man although he does not finished the school, he was clannish, loyal to his friends and supporters. Ned was hunted for almost two years before he was shot down and hanged. To the last stand, his fascinating courage never deserted him although was in terrible problems. That fearful day was coming, Ned Kelly was prepared for anything. The plan to derail the train was delayed, resulting that the train in question did not get under way until Sunday evening. They took advantage for start drinking, dancing, singing and befriending their hostages. The next day realising that the plan had not gone as expected, the Ned’s hostages lost the nervous, rather than abort, the gang retired to a hotel waiting for the police. The police surrounded the hotel, Ned decided burst the hotel and clad in his armour with the gang. The bullets painfully hurt each member, unfortunately the gang was captured. That day Ned had unleashed a whole community that would pulled into the fight, which in the long run would lead to north-east of Victoria being declared a republic and Ned becoming a revolutionary

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