Powerful Women In Beowulf, The Wife Of Bath, And

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In these works, women had a prominent position because women were treated poorly in most of this works, but there were some strong or powerful women that had an impact. Women had an impact or influence on their respective society. Most of women were quite to say their opinion, but there were a few women that spoke their opinion. In the works, “Beowulf”, “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale”, and “Hamlet”, they were the Queen of Dane, Wealhtheow, the wife of Bath, and Gertrude who had an prominent impact. These women impacted their peer by being strong or powerful: The women that powerful were Wealththeow, the Queen of Dane, the Wife of Bath, and Gertrude was a strong woman. The first woman that had a prominent position is the Queen of Dane,…show more content…
In the works, “Beowulf”, “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale”, and “Hamlet”, they were the Queen of Dane, Wealhtheow, the wife of Bath, and Gertrude who had an prominent impact. These women impacted their peer by being strong or powerful: The women that powerful were Wealththeow, the Queen of Dane, the Wife of Bath, and Gertrude was a strong woman. In “Beowulf”, Wealththeow, the Queen of Dane is powerful because she confronts Beowulf and speaks her mind. In “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tales”, the Wife of Bath was powerful because she believed that beauty can’t be judged by one person and beauty can be found within and not just someone’s physical appearance. In “Hamlet”, Gertrude was a strong woman because she threw away her selfish ways and did the unthinkable to drink the poisoned wine to save her son’s life. In these works, each woman had a prominent position, but each woman had different role that lead to different outcomes. The Queen of Dane wanted to let people she wasn’t going to be pushed around and was being a role model for other women to follow her. The Wife of Bath wanted to let people know that women’s beauty is not just based off of their physical appearance. Finally, Gertrude was setting example to people that someone can change, no matter how many flaws you

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