Benefits Of Ecotourism

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Introduction. The following assignment is based on an extremely sensitive topic that contains mutli-sided point of views. Ecotourism, and the research taken will provide an answer to the question, “is ecotourism all that it has been made out to be?” in order to fully and accurately answer the question at hand the report will be divided into 8 separate factors of ecotourism. And I am very excited to see what eco-tourism is really about and if it really “is all that it is made out to be.” 1 . Definition of ecotourism. Ecotourism is the responsible travel to natural environmental areas that have the utmost intentions of conservation of nature and all inhabitants whilst enjoying and appreciating nature and all that it has to offer. Along with…show more content…
Following the three core elements nature, sustainability and education. 2. Outline of ecotourism benefits. Corporate organisations have promoted ecotourism in ways that it seems extremely beneficial to local communities and their members. One of the main benefits for local people would be job creation( such as tour guides, selling crafts etc.) that would allow them to work closer to home and will help decrease the underage working rates which sounds very appealing to locals. The Kruger national park employs 60 000 locals. With the introduction of resorts and game parks rural areas will now receive more attention due to the area becoming a tourist attraction there will be a substantial increase in the standard of living. Such as the improvement or inclusion of clinics, drinkable water sources, tarred roads, electricity and most importantly schools will all be introduced if they have not been already. These activities will not stop poverty in South Africa but will gradually slow down the increase of it. Ecotourism can be very educational due to the opportunity of learning about various plants (their peak seasons,…show more content…
An assessment detailing the possible impacts to the target area whether it will be positive or negative. The experience that the tour provides needs to be of an educational nature to help people grasp an understanding for the culture (modes of transport, local foods etc.) and local environment. Many people go on vacation to get away and relax so that needs to be a focus area, so it needs to be branched separately from large tourist areas. Most importantly it’s about the nature and that means that the animals should not have to experience “zoo like” enclosures because ecotourism in South Africa is closely linked to open veld game drives to view the multiple animal groups in their natural habitat. There are also ethical criteria that need to be taken account of such
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